Knight Writer Apps

Mobile App and Website Development

My Glove Box Title

Never forget your MOT, insurance or tax due dates again!

Phone Image

My Glove Box stores important information relating to your vehicle including:

- Tyre specifications and pressures.
- MOT expiry date and comments.
- Tax expiry date.
- Insurance policy and renewal date.
- Recovery Agent and contact number.

Set reminders for the MOT, Tax and Insurance due dates. Reminders will alert on a weekly basis (2 weeks prior for MOT & Tax and 1 week prior for insurance). Once the dates have expired, simply set the new dates within the relevant areas of the application.

Tyre pressures can be stored as either psi or bar by selecting the preference within the settings page. Once entered the pressures can be converted between psi or bar at any time by changing the setting.

Insurance company and Recovery Agent can be called directly from the application by entering their contact numbers.

The application supports multiple vehicles and the registration numbers and vehicle names can be edited after the initial entry if required. These changes will also be cascaded through to any reminders currently set.

App Screenshots

Download the app!

Available on the Windows Phone Store